Iron Booth Counter

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.


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Submission specifications

Submitting your artwork is easy, simply follow these instructions when you design & upload the artwork. Click on an instruction for more information.

1. Add 3 mm bleed.
2. Keep 4 mm safety margin.
3. Use CMYK as the color mode.
4. Resolution of at least 300 dpi.

View all submission specifications

Product templates

In order to design the perfect artwork, we have created some easy templates. You will find the most popular artwork templates below. Click on the link at the bottom to see all templates.

  • Standard (85 x 55 mm)PDF Adobe inDesign
  • Roundcornered PVC (86 x 54 mm)PDF Adobe inDesign
  • Portrait folded card (55 x 85 mm)PDF Adobe inDesign
  • Landscape folded card (85 x 55 mm)PDF Adobe inDesign

Show all templates

  Need help? We are here for you!
Do you need help with placing your order? We are here for you! Chat with us or WhatsApp us now, our support team is available to assist you.

  Dont have design yet? No worries
We'll help you create your designs and print files to make sure your print products come out just the way you want. Visit our design page.

What is CMYK

In offset printing, the standard color mode used in CMYK. Cyan, Magenta, Yellow & Black represent the four process colours. When you are creating your files, be sure to check the color mode as programs like Photoshop by default use RBG color, not CMYK. CMYK may look more dull on a computer screen than RGB.

Accepted File Formats

We require industry standard formats for all uploaded files. We keep quality in mind when we print every job. We accept the following file formats: TIF – JPG – PDF – EPS – PSD. We accept CorelDraw, Pagemaker & Quark or similar files by converting them to industry standard graphic formats like JPG, TIF or PDF.

What is Font Outlining

We might not have the same fonts on our systems as your computer, so when saving your files in a vector based program (Illustrator, InDesign, Quark, CorelDraw) please outline your fonts. This will convert them to a vector image, will not effect the clarity and will allow us to see the same text as you see on your screen.